Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Take Your Finals With a Smile

With the year nearing to an end, most students are either starting to lack or get stressed out about the upcoming final exams. Although I can’t help with the lacking, there are great tips on how to stay stress-free.

Your mothers probably used to tell you not to frown or your face will stay that way. Guess what? They weren’t kidding. Stress tends to cause frowns. These lines will start to be visible eventually. Of course, with the invention of botox wrinkles can be temporarily ironed out but you also might be temporarily without any facial expression. Which is scarier?

Breathing easy is going to help you let go of some stress. After cramming all of that information from your text book that you had a whole semester to do but decided to do last minute, you’re going to need a breather.

Lie down on the floor with your back flat. Put one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Take a deep, slow breath in.

“Lying on the floor at first when you practice is important, because if you stand up, you’re more likely to take a deep breath by doing an exaggerated chest extension, rather than letting it fill up naturally,” Dr. Oz, a mind a body doctor who has been on the Oprah Winfrey Show, said.

Fill up your lungs and then slowly exhale. Count to seven while you’re exhaling. Dr. Oz recommends ten deep breaths in the morning and ten deep breaths at night to help relieve stress. (Smoking doesn’t count as taking in deep breaths!)

Another easy way to relieve stress is by taking the cork screw of a wine bottle and placing it vertically between your front teeth. This action will help loosen the tension in your jaw. You may not notice but when you’re stressed or frustrated, your jaw tends to tighten up. By relieving the tension in your jaws, you relieve tension from your neck and head which will help you to relax and be less stressed.

Journaling is a great way to relieve stress. By keeping a daily journal or diary, one can express thoughts and emotions more clearly. Many have also found that writing down problems makes it easier to find a solution because it helps process the information and release emotions. However, for it to be most helpful, you should write in detail about your feelings as if you are discussing them with a therapist.

One of the best cures for stress is laughter. Laughing reduces the stress level and helps lowers physical effects of stress. Just think of a funny memory or watch some comedy on television. Don’t get addicted to the TV or you’ll fall behind and be more stressed.

Don’t worry about the laugh lines. You’ll feel better you’re wrinkled because you were happy rather than because you were frustrated.

Another great cure for stress is sex—but only if your partner is supportive and is as emotionally involved as you are. Because sex releases a lot of feel-good hormones, many use it to relieve stress. However, if your partner doesn’t provide emotional support, it may cause drama and confusion and even more stress. Please be wise if you choose this technique—and always practice safe sex.

With all of these easy stress relieving tips, I hope you will be able to take those final exams with a smile on your face. Good luck!

1 comment:

Michael J. Fitzgerald said...

Interesting tips on ways to avoid stress - or deal with it, I suppose.

But I wonder if some of the audience for this column might be more stressed by taking time out to de-stress?

I am going to try to wine-cork trick myself - but I might also use some of the contents of the bottle to see if that works, too.